Spring in Alsace

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Spring in Alsace

Written by

Julie Bressot

Our Cosy Cabins are the ideal place to take a break from your busy daily life and go back to the simplest things. But did you know that they are also a great starting point on your way to discover the area? Use your Nutchel spring getaway to leave for a micro adventure !

The Nutchel fitness circuit

Do you want to start your day in the most positive note possible and to be able to fully benefit your Nutchel experience? It is proven that exercising helps your body to release endorphins, also known as the “happiness hormones”, which are participating in your day-to-day physical and mental well-being. Put on your sport shoes, start warming up on your terrace and go climb, jump, run alongside our fitness circuit! You might even meet with a forest animal between 2 push ups 😉

Friends happy to arrive at the top of the Donon moutain

Discover the Alsatian landscapes - The Donon mountain

Learn more about the Donon’s stories during a walk to this Basses-Vosges’ summit. Once you arrive at the top of the Donon, you will find an ancient-looking building built by the German soldiers during World War 1 from where you can admire the gorgeous 360°C view of the Alsace plains. Quite a must-see for all the history, hiking, and beautiful landscape lovers!

Strasbourg and the European Parliament

Why not take advantage of your stay at Nutchel to explore its capital and discover another aspect of the Alsatian life? Even if we know it mostly to be the “Christmas capital city”, Strasbourg will enchant you just as much during the spring season: take some time to stroll in the parks surrounded by blooming nature, and to admire the local architecture at the Petite France, which is coming back to life after winter. Use your city trip to also go on a guided tour of the European Parliament, which is celebrated every May by the Strasbourg inhabitants.

Experience new sensations – Barefoot path at Oberhaslach

On your way back from Strasbourg, make a stop at the Oberhaslach village, take a leap of faith, and take your shoes off! On this 400m path, you will be walk barefoot and experience new sensations: your connection to nature will be completely turned upside down, as you will feel completely connected with nature. What a refreshing feeling!

Are you looking forward to staying for a few days at our forest village in Alsace to go on a micro-adventure and explore all the great spots that this region has to offer during spring? We are looking forward to welcoming you there!

Looking for some more inspiration?

Find more all-year recommendations and things to do around forest village Alsace thanks to our online map! 🌳

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