Going on a sustainable getaway

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Going on a sustainable getaway

Written by

Julie Bressot

Our engagements for the planet

Did you know ? Our two forest villages are located in the middle of beautiful nature, but it was not always the case. Both of our domains originally hosted other tourism activities, which left traces on the surrounding nature. Discover below how, on our side, we try to implement actions to keep our activities as sustainable as possible!

A Classic cabin surrounded by flowers and nature at Nutchel Les Ardennes

Bringing nature back into the holidays

One of our first engagements as a company was to commit in bringing back nature on the domains.

With this conviction at heart, we made the conscious decision to reinvest 15% of Nutchel’s revenue in the small-scale reforestation of our 2 domains. As of now, we have planted more than 3500 plants, trees and shrubs in Les Ardennes, and more than 4000 in Alsace.

From artificial to natural grounds

Another decision that we made during our construction work, is to remove most concrete grounds from our 2 forest villages. Replacing it with local gravel, grass and other more natural material to allow the soils to breathe and nature to grow again. It also has the positive effect to reduce the heating effect of the concrete, which is very appreciated in the summer heat.

Three friends on a biking trip in the Ardennes forest

Reducing your carbon footprint with slow mobility

We love to take it slow at our domains! From the start of your holiday planning, opting for a stay at Nutchel instead of taking the plane to faraway lands and deciding to travel by public transport or by car is already a big step!

And during your stay, you can rent a bike and experience the unhurried pace of exploring nature without any carbon emission.

Living local

Sustainability is not just about being eco-friendly: the social and economic pilar are just as important! We make a strong point in working with local suppliers to provide you with the best and freshest products with the shortest supply chain. And that allows us to be a part of the local economical community as well.

The sky with stars at night with a Cosy Cabin in Alsace

Light pollution

We have taken great care to minimize artificial lighting in our cabins and domains, prioritizing the preservation of nature's beauty and serenity.

With only oil lamps and fairy lights in the cabins, we respect the daily rhythm of the local animals and plants, as well as our own bio-rhythm.

Embrace the darkness as constellations come alive, and experience the magic of starry nights at Nutchel!

So, are you ready for your sustainable holidays?

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