A soft Christmas

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A soft Christmas

Written by

Julie Bressot

After enjoying a mild autumn and wrapping up the Halloween costumes, we are now ready for it: winter is coming!

Even though the first thoughts of winter only bring a feeling of cold and darkness to most of us, the 4th season of the year does clearly have some warm and cosy moments to offer. On the very top of the list: Christmas.

For us at Nutchel, Christmas is all about simplicity. Because after all, isn't it the little things in life that make us happy?

Stoking up the wood stove, having conversations with one's loved ones, long walks in nature: that sounds like a relaxing Christmas, doesn't it ?

A typical Alsatian Christmas market

An extra dose of Christmas in Alsace

The romantic Christmas markets in Strasbourg and the surrounding area open as early as late November. Mulled wine and baked apples combine perfectly with a short holiday at Nutchel!

A Christmas tree with fairylights

At home

We want you to feel at home with us. Therefore, during the Christmas season, each of our cabins is decorated with a beautiful Christmas tree and DIY Christmas decoration ideas.

A family eating breakfast in a Cosy Cabin

More than just a dinner

Christmas at Nutchel is more than just a dinner together. It means a weekend together with the family when nothing else matters but the present moment.

Well, do you fancy experiencing Christmas in its modest but precious magic this time?

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